On display in booth 6406 in hall A6 at this year’s Fakuma will be the BSP-135 Bulk Solids PumpTM feeder on a pivoting base as well as a Gravimetric Batch Blender with integrated Vacuum Receiver and Powder Feeder. The patented Coperion K-Tron Bulk Solids Pump (BSP) feeder line has been specifically designed and engineered to provide gentle, precise feeding of free-flowing pellets, granules, and friable bulk materials. BSP feeders do not use the usual screws/augers, belts or vibratory trays to convey the material. They utilize positive displacement action to feed free flowing materials with highest accuracy, offering uniform discharge, consistent volume and gentle handling.
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Gentle feeding of free-flowing pellets, granules and friable bulk materials
Coperion K-Tron at Fakuma 2014
Gravimetric Batch Blender with integrated Vacuum Receiver and Powder Feeder
Our Gravimetric Batch Blenders are available in various sizes from 0.5 to 25 kg total batch size and include up to eight main feed elements depending on the unit. Each unit is designed with an integrated loading platform for mounting material loaders or vacuum receivers. The blenders include an advanced metering and weighing system that accurately controls all ingredients of every batch to the desired amounts and is not averaged over multiple batches.
The Gravimetric Batch Blender which is on display at our Fakuma booth is equipped with two integrated Vacuum Receivers. The Series 2400 Vacuum Receivers are designed to high quality standards for pneumatically conveying powders, pellets, granular and recycling materials. Six models in several designs cover conveying rates from 330 to 6,800 kg/hr [720 to 15,000 lb/hr].
Besides the Vacuum Receiver the Gravimetric Batch Blender is equipped with a Powder Feeder. Twin Screw Powder Feeders are designed to optimally handle difficult materials such as pigments, sticky, bridging or flooding powders, fibers and fiberglass.
Giuseppe Bruneo
Sales Director at Coperion K-Tron
- email: GBruneo@coperionktron.ch
- telephone: +41 62 885 7225